Our mission is to offer education through Waldorf pedagogy, integrating economic, social and cultural diversity for conscious action in the world”
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Jardim do Cajueiro Community School, based on Waldorf pedagogy, works for the integral development of children in the Maraú Peninsula community, Bahia.
The School is a partner-educational project, without owners or for-profit purposes. It depends on the strength of teachers, parents, godparents and donors to keep working.
JdC opened in 2006 in a borrowed house with two kindergarten rooms. It started with 24 children, the vast majority from low-income families.
In the early years, it was maintained only through donations from friends. Over the years, it has been working towards economic sustainability.
Currently, 75 students are served in two kindergarten classrooms and in five classes from the first to the fifth year, thus completing Elementary School 1.
The school's financial income comes from paying enrolled children, godmothers and godparents, as well as occasional donations, directed to the scholarship fund that includes 50% of the vacancies destined to scholarship holders, primarily from families in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability.
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a story of
It all started with a great love for Barra Grande and the conviction that through education and Waldorf Pedagogy we could make a difference.
To offer the people of this place the hope of building a better life and a more dignified future.
The will was great and the resources very few, but the seed germinated. Cherished like a dream, this conviction earned the name Jardim do Cajueiro Community School.
With a lot of emotion, courage and determination, on March 6, 2006, we received, in a borrowed house, our first 24 children, aged between 3 and 6 years old.
Friends and supporters of this dream became “godfathers” to some children, a help that became growing and essential for the existence of the School.
Since the beginning, Jardim do Cajueiro has given priority to children from low-income families and many with psychosocial difficulties.

In 2009, our school was recognized by theFederation of Waldorf Schools in Brazil(FEWB), becoming federated.
In 2011, with the authorization of DIREC-06, the First Year of Elementary School was implemented and, since then, each year a new class has started.
Until 2012, we occupied four different locations, until, through donations, the construction of our own headquarters began.
The land was donated by the Municipality of Maraú in recognition of the importance of the School - Municipal Public Utility of Maraú - Law No. 027 of 06/20/2011.